'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart'

Jon Stewart has a knack of turning the impossible into the possible. In the last two weeks, Republicans have been stung by Foley's folly, so much so that viewers have gotten used to seeing grim-faced GOPers grace the idiot box, but Stewart in his typical way has turned what is a serious charge into a laugh riot.A video clip of Rep. Tom Reynolds, who is caught in the middle of the Foley fracas was aired on Jon Stewart's show yesterday. Reynolds had managed to surround himself with kids in order to ensure that reporters would not ask him lurid questions.On any other network, the video clip received somber coverage. Not on the Daily Show. Stewart said he looked like the "evil bastard at the end of Stephen King's "The Dead Zone." The audience was in stitches. That set the tone for the show, which went from the naughty to the hilarious in a matter of seconds.
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